Seal Beach to partially reopen beaches for active use – Long Beach Post

Seal Beach will begin opening its beaches for active uses—like walking, swimming and surfing—on weekdays starting Monday.

But don’t break out the tanning lotion just yet: Passive uses, like sunbathing, picnics and playing games, will still not be allowed, according to officials.

The state approved a four-phase plan from the city that detailed the measures officials would take to maintain social distancing.

Phase one will allow use on Mondays through Thursdays during daylight hours only for active uses. The beach will close Thursday at sundown and reopen Monday at sunrise, according to officials.

Social distancing requirements will still be in place and the beach and ocean are only open to active, non-gathering uses in which people keep moving, such as walking, running, swimming, surfing, paddle boarding, skim-boarding, kayaking, fishing and kiteboarding.

People will not be allowed to gather, play games, loiter, sunbath, sit or lie on the beach. Beach towels, blankets, easy-ups, tents, umbrellas, chairs, picnics, coolers or tables will not be allowed.

It won’t be until phase two when officials will open the beach on weekends. Even then, the beaches will only be open during daylight hours for active, non-gathering uses. It’s so far unclear when phase two will begin.

In phase three, beaches will open every day from dawn until 10 p.m. and still only for active, non-gathering uses. Officials will fully open the beaches for active and passive uses during phase four.

“We are grateful for the Governor’s support in reopening our beaches,” said Seal Beach Mayor Schelly Sustarsic. “We understand how important it is for people to enjoy our beautiful coastline, and this plan will ensure that people have access to the sand and water for active uses while still remaining safe.”

Police officers and staff from the Marine Safety Department will enforce the requirements and anyone who violates the health order can be cited with a misdemeanor and fined up to $1,000.

“Restrictions on beach activities are in place to encourage and maintain social distancing, protect all members of the Seal Beach community, protect all city staff and to help stop the spread of infection,” officials said.

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