Dominik Gührs explores Bangkok like never before – SurferToday

The German wakeboarder has made the Thai capital his winter training base for three months each year.

In the three-part “Searching Bangkok” series, Dominik Gührs explores the famous city’s food, culture, and sport courtesy of a winch and a wakeboard.

The Munich wakeboarder relocated to Thailand to be able to train more readily during the winter months back at home.

He weaves you through a journey through the vibrant color of Bangkok, a tour that you won’t find in any guide book and that explores first hand all that the city has to offer.

Each episode explores a different facet of Thai city life: food first, then sport and culture, with an additional clip of his best action shots during filming.

Dominik Gührs: nobody has ever ridden a wakeboard like that in Bangkok | Photo: Bardos/Red Bull

Wild Rides

The highlights reel includes life inside Bangkok’s famous food sellers, linking up with free-runner Anan Anwar, riding through Thai Wake Park as well as teaming up with DJ Bomba Selecta, and a whistle-stop tour of the Bangkok’s street-art scene with celebrated graffiti artist Jesus.

On his wakeboard, he meanders through the famous Ancient City as well as the bustling Floating Markets thanks to the 1.5-meter tidal range and the lively boat traffic.

“‘Searching Bangkok’ is one of the best experiences of the past few years for me,” said Gührs.

“It’s a really great feeling just to go wild creatively, and get to ride spots where you know, without a doubt, no one has ever touched with a wakeboard before you.”