Students of the Month at Chautauqua Lake Central School, honored for September achievements are Taylor Mantsch, Nathan Engdahl, Jessica Wiemer, Emma Gleason, Breaunna Smith and Grayson Shaffer.
Mantsch is the daughter of Melissa Rutkowski of Ripley. Art, web design and English are the classes she is enjoying the most this year. Taylor competed on the bowling team as a freshman and sophomore and the track and field team since her sophomore year. This year as a senior, she is also a co-editor of the yearbook. Outside of school, Taylor enjoys drawing, hanging out with her boyfriend, and working. When asked what historical person she admires, Taylor responded “I admire Stephen Hawking because even when his body began to stop working, he continued to do what he loved. It proves you can literally do something if you put your mind to it.” Taylor would not want to be another person “even just for a day. I couldn’t imagine not being me.” She hopes to attend college while continuing to work hard on her class work.
Engdahl, son of Jolene Engdahl of Mayville, is a junior who said he enjoys Pre-Calculus with Cowan and Spanish with Hindman the most this year. Nate demonstrates his love of sports by competing on the varsity soccer team this year, the varsity baseball team since his freshman year, and the junior varsity basketball team his freshman and sophomore years. He has earned High Honor Roll throughout high school, and was also recognized as Student of the Month as a freshman. Outside of school, he enjoys “hanging out with the boys,” watching sports, and working out in the weight room. In history, Nate most admires Jackie Robinson because “he dominated on the baseball field while facing severe racial discrimination. He overcame the odds.” If he could be another person for a day, Nate would choose to be Gordon Ramsay because “I could make delicious food for myself.” After high school, Nate plans on attending JCC and eventually University of Buffalo for medical school. He aspires to become a pediatrician.
Wiemer, daughter of Kathleen and Peter Wiemer of Mayville, selected math and history as her favorite classes this year. Jess has competed on both the volleyball and basketball teams since seventh grade, earning the All-Tournament Award for volleyball in both 2018 and 2019. Outside of school, she enjoys wakeboarding, snowboarding, and horseback riding. When asked what historical person she admires, Jessica said Rosa Parks because “I feel she is an empowering woman who influenced many people and strongly believed in equality.” If Jess could be another person for a day, she would choose Selena Gomez because “she is not afraid of what people think of her, and I feel she is a great role model.” After high school, Jess plans on attending college to either become a lawyer or a therapist. She would also like to lead mission trips.
Gleason, a freshman, is the daughter of Randy and Debbie Gleason of Ashville. She is enjoying her math class the most this year. In eighth grade, Emma earned a place on the honor roll and this year she is involved with peer mentoring. Outside of school, Emma enjoys going outside and playing volleyball. When asked what person she admires, Abbie also answered Rosa Parks because “she was standing up for all people.” Emma’s future plans include becoming a physical therapist.
Smith is the daughter of Norm and Tricia Smith of Dewittville. She enjoys history and math the most this year. Bre loves to play volleyball; she has competed on the modified team since seven grade. Also in seventh grade, she earned history and health awards. Outside of school, Bre enjoys photography and playing volleyball. The person she admires the most in history Anne Frank because “Even though she was in a bad situation, she was still so positive.” When asked what other person she would want to be for a day, Bre said Ariana Grande because “it would be cool to tour and travel around the world.” Bre’s future plans include “learning more about photography and continuing to play volleyball.”
Shaffer, a seventh grader, is the daughter of Marya Johnson and Brian Stahlsmith of Mayville and Matt Shaffer of McKean, Pennsylvania. This year, Grayson cannot decide what her favorite class is; “I like all of them,” she stated. This year, Gray (as she likes to be called) competed on the swim team. Outside of school, she enjoys swimming and horseback riding.. When asked what historical figure she most admires, Gray stated “Not really a person in history, but [the person I most admire] is my brother Sam because he is a Marine and is proud to fight for our country. Her goals after high school including attending UCLA and becoming a general surgeon.
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